aprenda² is a school of Brazilian Portuguese for foreigners, French for Brazilians and is offering translation services. We are in SP and currently in expansion in RJ. We work with independent native or foreign teachers, both qualified and with great languages teaching experience and international culture. We are proud of having built an environment of material creation and experience sharing that gives a special atmosphere to learn and teach. In addition to classes, social events conducted among and for students, teachers and friends in general, which makes our foreign students feel at home and our Brazilian students have contact with different cultures. Learn Portuguese language abroad and get discount upon booking! http://www.studybooking.com/school/view/aprenda2-in-brazil #aprenda2 #SãoPaulo #Brazil #Portuguese #ExamPreparation #CELPE #BRAS #PortugueseExam #GeneralPortuguese #PortugueseConversation #PortugueseIntensive #BusinessPortuguese #languageschool #LanguageAbroad #languagetraining #브라질 #상파울루 #포르투갈어 #대학진학 #시험준비 #일반 #포르투갈어 #회화 #포르투갈어 #인텐시브 #코스 #비즈니스 #포르투갈어 #ブラジル #サンパウロ #ポルトガル語試験対策 #一般ポルトガル語 #会話 #ポルトガル語インテンシブコース #ビジネスポルトガル語 #巴西 #聖保羅 #葡萄牙语准备高考 #考试 #基本葡萄牙语 #口语 #会话 #葡萄牙语集中班 #商务葡萄牙语

Теги других блогов: Brazil languageschool aprenda2 SãoPaulo Portuguese